
Advocacy Consultative Commission (CCA)

In order to mitigate the challenges that are presented to the business environment, Britcham acts very actively in the defense of guidelines and interests of its associates before the most diverse governmental spheres of Brazil and the United Kingdom. To this end, it counts on the performance of an Advocacy Consultative Commission (CCA) that works on the reception of the guidelines and suggestions of transversal themes, performs the proper alignment with the mission, vision and strategy of Britcham, as well as interfaces with the thematic committees for the sectorial demands.

Within the scope of CCA‘s activities, initiatives that add high value to companies are organized, such as holding meetings with government representatives and CEOs of companies, publishing institutional positions to defend companies’ interests, organizing open events to exchange experiences and knowledge, participating in public consultations, etc. CCA is composed of professionals working in the areas of government relations, institutions and related topics, which are nominated by the associated companies and appointed by the Board of Directors of Britcham.

For 2024, CCA‘s mission is to address and facilitate the access of Britcham members to the authorities related to the strategic agenda of Advocacy, which includes 3 (three) key themes: tax issues (aiming at the simplification of taxes and the realization of trade agreements), climate issues (linked to the agenda of environment, sustainability, world climate conference, ESG, among others) and regulatory issues (aimed at improving the business environment).

Meet the members

Fabio CCA

Fabio Caldas

Fabio Caldas is a production engineer from UFRJ, with postgraduate degrees in administration (full-time, 2 years, COPPEAD-UFRJ), systems analysis, marketing and finance. At Royal Dutch Shell Group for 25 years, he held leadership positions at the company’s headquarters in the United Kingdom and Brazil, where he was Director of External Relations for Latin America, responsible for the areas of Communications, Institutional Relations, Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility. At CPFL Energia Group, he was Director of Communications and Government Relations, also responsible for Corporate Ethics and Ombudsman. He won the Top 10 Communicators of the Year from Aberje (Brazilian Association of Business Communication) in 2017 and founded LS – Light Saber Consultoria in 2018, focusing on institutional relations, non-technical risks and communications.

Juliana Marra

Juliana Marra

Juliana Marra is an Industrial Chemistry with Executive MBA from Fundação Dom Cabral. Currently, she is Senior Manager of Corporate Affairs at Unilever Brazil, President of Abipla (Brazilian Association of Cleaning Products Industries), of the National Institute for the Development of Chemistry (IdQ) and of the Fiscal Council of the Institute of Government Relations (IRELGOV). She also serves as Director of the Department of Sustainable Development of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (FIESP), Counselor of ABIA (Brazilian Association of the Food Industry) and Confem (Superior Council of Women/FIESP).

Leo Martins CCA

Leonardo Martins

Leonardo Martins has more than 20 years of legal experience, with great experience in tax litigation before judicial and administrative courts, representing clients from the most diverse sectors, such as oil and gas, aviation, telecommunications, phonographic and steel industry. He was elected one of the most admired professionals in his field by publications such as Latin Lawyer, ITR and Lacca Approved. Coordinates the tax team of the Rio de Janeiro unit, responsible, together with the partners of São Paulo, for serving the large customer base of the state. Martins also has 7 recent publications in the legal sector. Recent recognitions: Chambers & Partners Brazil: Tax: Rio de Janeiro (2022); The Legal 500: Tax (2019); Latin Lawyer 250: Tax (2022); LACCA Approved: Tax (2018-2023); Análise Advocacia 500: Tributário e no Rio de Janeiro (2021); International Tax Review: Tax Litigation (2018-2019); “World Tax” – Tax Controversy as “Highly regarded” (2022).

Lídia Mantonvani

Lídia Mantovani

Lídia Mantovani holds a degree in Letters – Portuguese/English from the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Literature, and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo (USP) and a degree in Pedagogy from the Faculty of Education of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). She holds a master’s degree in Education from the University of São Paulo (USP). She has worked as an Academic Consultant in recent years, responsible for the continuing education of English teachers in the networks that use Pearson Solutions and for the structuring of training cycles, in partnership with the Departments of Education, for teachers, advisors and managers of municipal and state networks. Today, she is an Academic Specialist at Pearson and works in government relations. It works punctually with training, is responsible for the identification of public notices at a national level, for the construction of technical proposals and for carrying out proofs of concept during the bidding process; by articulations with municipal and state Secretariats aiming at the enhancement and creation of projects for the teaching of English teaching, measuring learning progress and enabling continuing education for the network’s teaching staff.

Guilherme Primos CCA

CCA Leader | Luiz Guilherme Primos

Luiz Guilherme Primos is a partner at Primos e Primos Advogados and Vind Aerogeradores. Lawyer with extensive experience in the areas of Business Law, Corporate, Economic and Antitrust Law, Customs Law, Foreign Investments, Labor Law, Consumer Law and Regulatory Law. Bachelor’s degree from the Law School of the University of São Paulo and Business Administrator from Mackenzie University, with teacher training. He also acts in corporate litigation, including national and international mediations and arbitrations. He has advised several M&A transactions, in Brazil and abroad, in all sectors of the economy.

Milene Coelho

Milene Coelho

Milene Coelho holds a bachelor in Economic Sciences, postgraduate in Marketing and Executive MBA. With more than 20 years of experience in pharmaceuticals, market access, patient association, market development, strategic planning and product management, currently as Sr. Manager of Government Relations and Advocacy at AstraZeneca do Brasil. Responsible for developing and leading projects that support the company’s relationship with the Brazilian government, establish partnerships and seek external collaborations. Under her management she leads the Patient Affairs team that together with the main Patient Associations carries out the advocacy work. Led and coordinated between 2020 and 2022 the development of public policy plans in the international region focusing on priority markets, building international policy modeling capabilities based on different market archetypes, developing advanced policy modeling strategies.

Viviane Mansi

Viviane Mansi

Viviane Mansi is Director of Corporate Relations at Diageo. Communication, ESG and government executive with more than twenty years in the market. She holds a Master’s degree in Communication (Cásper Líbero), a postgraduate degree in Leadership (FDC) and Business (FGV), and a degree in Public Relations (Cásper Líbero). Her professional experience includes stints at MSD, Takeda, GE and Votorantim Cimentos. In 2018, she joined Toyota as regional director of the Communication, Public Relations and Sustainability area and today she holds the presidency of the Toyota Foundation of Brazil.