The British Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Brazil – Britcham is pleased to invite all members to the meeting of the Energy Committee, which will have as its main theme for debate: “Carbon Capture and Storage in Brazil: exploring local projects and solutions“.
The topic will be presented by the Co-founder and Director of CCS Brazil, Isabela Morbarch, who will bring a current and practical analysis on the subject.
The meeting, which is exclusive to members, also aims to present and debate the agenda that should guide the Committee’s actions in 2023, including the needs and priorities of members.
The meeting will take place in the hybrid format, with the possibility of face-to-face participation in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, and online through Zoom.
To confirm your presence, we kindly ask you to send an email to Clara Sasse ( with name, position and company, and indicate the format in which you will participate.